The Essential eCommerce Skills That Can Drive You Entrepreneurial Success

The Essential eCommerce Skills That Can Drive You Entrepreneurial Success

About The Softseek Academy

The arrival of the internet has changed the mode of communication, exchange of information, and most promptly way of doing business. Owing to the increased utilization of smartphones, easier access to the internet, and the growing offerings of eCommerce sites, there is a big shift in the buying preference of people.

This shift has changed many things and Digital marketing became a necessity for any business that wants to survive in the competitive online World.

Softseek Academy is a training and skill development platform of Softseek International, a web solution provider, and a digital marketing agency.The objective of the Softseek academy is to provide necessary skills to students and entrepreneurs so that they have the skills to manage e-commerce and drive sales through digital marketing channels.


Digital Marketing 101

Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing and take your business or career to the next level.

Upskill your career with the digital marketing training program. Learn Digital Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing, SEO, YouTube, Email, Facebook Marketing, Analytics & more. Explore the theoretical and strategic approaches to digital marketing, checklists & activities. Equip yourself with quick learning on how to market a business online from scratch across all the major marketing channels.

Whether you’re just starting an online store or you’re ready to take the next step in using e-commerce marketplace platforms to connect with more customers or provide services as eCommerce consultants, this training program can be an ideal way to move forward.

The eCommerce Advantage

One of the most effective ways to grow your eCommerce career is to enhance your eCommerce skills.

Ecommerce training courses build a foundation of skills to grow an online business and reach your marketing and sales goals.


Why Softseek Digital Marketing 101 Program?

Everything is getting digitalized. Companies in all sectors are focusing on developing a robust online presence. And for that purpose, they are hiring digital marketers. In digital marketing career growth is also fast. That’s why so many people are opting for a career in digital marketing.

High Demand for Digital Marketers

Around 69% of companies were going to hire more marketers, according to a report by Marketing Hiring Trends.

Great Growth Prospects

Digital marketing skills will keep seeing an increase in demand in the near future.

Start Your Own Business (or Promote the Existing One)

Digital marketers have ample knowledge of multiple online tools and platforms. They can start websites, create products, and sell them to the targeted market.

Easy to Start a Career

You don’t need to get another degree or go to college to start a career in this field. Entering the sector is quite easy. You only need to practice the essential online marketing techniques and create a portfolio, and you’ll be good to go.

A Technical and Creative Field

Digital marketing requires a unique combination of both creativity and technical knowledge. You’ll be writing eye-catching headlines for ad campaigns, and you’ll also be checking the analytics of the campaign.


What will you learn?

Developing digital marketing and e-commerce strategies; attracting and engaging customers through digital marketing channels like search and email; measuring marketing analytics and sharing insights; analyzing e-commerce performance and building customer loyalty.

Course Duration:


Duration: 5 days

Total Sessions: 5-weekly (1 hours each)

Completion Criteria: Online Test (MCQs)

Rs.16,000/- (50% Discount*)

Rs. 8,000/- (For first 50 candidates only)